Le législateur nous oblige à vérifier votre majorité - activation gratuite en quelques minutes. Toutes les données saisies ne seront utilisées que pour vérifier que vous êtes majeur et seront traitées de manière strictement confidentielle.

Age verification
with your Smartphone Camera

This is totally free of charge and you DON'T have to input your data or install an app.

Age verification
via Smartphone-Camera (option 2)

Verify that you are over 18 in less than 2 minutes. Just your smartphone or a good webcam needed.

Age verification
with your Webcam, passport, id card or driving license

Get your age verified in seconds. This is totally free of charge and you don't have to use your BankAccount

Age verification
via sofortident

Do you have a German bank account and online banking access? Then you can have yourself verified here immediately.

per VerifyMyAge

VerifyMyAge überprüft das Alter in Sekundenschnelle!

Age verification
via OnlineUeberweisen

Do you have a German bank account and online banking access? Then you can have yourself verified here immediately.


Accès uniquement à partir de 18 ans. En utilisant le site Web, j'accepte les termes et conditions et les règles de protection des données.

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